AHS Data

Data Resources

The data within AHS can be made available for research purposes under certain terms and conditions in accordance with the Health Information Act of Alberta. For a list of AHS data sources available for research purposes, refer to the List of Known Data Sources for Research Purposes

If you need AHS data resources for your study, you will need to complete a request via the Health System Access Questionnaire. The study must receive Ethics Approval prior to getting access to AHS data sources. All research access to AHS data sources is granted through the HSA team. 

If you are requesting access to Connect Care, refer to Tips To Determine Access Level as guidance for the appropriate level of Connect Care Access you should request in the HSA Questionnaire. 

Data Access

AHS data can be accessed either by:

Whether data is obtained by extraction or direct access, the researcher is required to enter into an agreement with AHS for the data disclosure. This agreement could be in the form of a Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA), Sub-Site Agreement, HIA Research Agreement (HIA RA) or a Data Disclosure Agreement (DDA). 

Please contact the HSA team at research.administration@ahs.ca to determine the appropriate agreement to suit your needs. 

Please note that fees may also apply if accessing research services from some AHS departments. For more information see Purchased Services.

Related Resources:

Alberta Clinical Research Roadmap - provides an overview of the steps and resources available to setting up and conducting a health research study in Alberta.